Tuesday, January 29, 2013

11 Inches for Pantene Beautiful Lengths!

So it was nearly two years and six days that I grew my hair for a ponytail long and healthy enough to donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. I didn't realize that much time had gone by, until I logged onto my Blog (I haven't written since August 2012? Shame on me!) and saw my last post about this was dated January 21, 2011!

736 days of working toward a goal that was finally accomplished on January 27, a wonderful day shared with my family as we celebrated my mother's birthday, as well as having my 11-year old niece cut my 11-inch ponytail.

I was so proud of her! Not only did she do an amazing job with cutting where I asked her to, her eagerness to be a part of this experience was heartfelt. She has beautiful long hair, and I hope that one day she'll decide to donate hers, too.

To date over 40,000 ponytails have been donated to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. This program, launched in 2007, helps women grow their hair to create free wigs made from real hair for women with cancer. Their web site is full of information and real life stories about women who made donations, as well as women who underwent treatment and lost their hair. They give you step-by-step instructions on how to cut your ponytail, and tips on how to grow your hair strong and healthy.

Millions of people worldwide are living with or have had cancer. February 4 is World Cancer Day, with a goal to banish misconceptions and develop a stronger common knowledge about this devastating disease that affects half of all men and one-third of all women in the United States.

I cannot imagine how it makes a woman feel, to lose their hair. I feel a lot of love in my heart knowing that my hair will be a part of a wig that will one day put a smile on another woman's face. Beginning today I will begin the process again!

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